Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Listening journal - "Too Poor to Marry"

Feature title:: Too Poor to Marry
Producer: World Vision Report
Length: 4:51
Link: http://www.worldvisionreport.org/Find-Stories/Week-of-February-13-2010/Too-Poor-to-Marry

This feature addresses the issue of poverty in Middle Eastern countries especially Egypt and how that affects marriage rates and the social life of Egyptians. The piece includes statements used from an interview with Tayeb Mohamed, an Egyptian man who can’t afford to get married. Other statement is included by Mohsen Salah, who also can’t afford to buy a house although he makes good money as houses are very expensive. The feature includes also the opinion of Madeha Al Safty, anthropology professor at the American university in Cairo and her perspective on the issue.

This feature was very interesting because it presented real people going through the problem and describing how it is. That validated the story and made it credible.
The quality of sound is good and the announcer’s voice was okay although a bit cheerful for a story about poverty.

The quality of sound was great. Also, The English translation by the reporter over the Arabic talk left space for Arabic speakers to understand what is being said.

Nat sound was well utilized. A picture of the place was drawn in my head as the Nat sound started: An Egyptian café where many men are smoking water pipes to blow off some steam, while playing dominos and cards to pass the time, leaving aside their problems.

The length of the feature was just right; the quotes were in place and enriched the piece.

Generally, this feature was interesting, and accurately descriptive of many angles of the problem. The sound quality was good, and Daniel Estrin, the reporter kept a moderate pace without being monotonous or boring.

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